Sunday, July 5, 2009


It's official. I'm an Florida resident (or at least attempting to be). My entire family left me in Tallahassee and started the drive back to Raleigh this morning at 5:30 AM. Now it's time to start unpacking all of my boxes and buying all the stuff that I left back in Raleigh or need more of like white t-shirts/wife beaters.

Also, tomorrow is my first day working at the Student Activities Center. Can I say how excited I am right now? Only in the SAC would my boss, the other assistant director, office buddy, and former grads pull a prank on me before Day 1. I loved the packing peanuts in my desk cabinet. I thought it was funny and good way to break the ice. All I've got to say is pay back is a b****. LOL. I would watch your back Kelly, Billy, and Tiffany. You're not going to be expecting it.

Well time to head back home (yay for free internet at McDonalds) to unpack the boxes that I have sitting around in my room and decide what to wear to work tomorrow. First impression is everything. I need to look spiffy.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

FSU Surplus Sale

Since I am moving into my new apartment in July, I need to furnish the apartment with different things. I am moving in with barely anything. Something that I discovered at NC State but never took advantage of was the surplus sales that they do. However, I used my brains and looked up FSU's Surplus Sale and was amazed.

Unlike NC State's surplus sale which is set up like a store and first come first serve policy of buying stuff, FSU's surplus sale is done by LIVE AUCTION FORMAT!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, that means I'm going to be bringing a paddle and going crazy!!! I've already decided that even if FSU doesn't use the paddle system, I will be bringing a paddle just for fun to bid on items.

Several items that I could potentially want to buy: a bookcase/bookshelf, desk, desk chair, and desk lamp. However, I may not stop there. According to the itemized list, they do have several other items that would be cool like such as the hydraulic microdrive controller (what is that???).

Move-In Day Gets Closer

Since it is now 12:12 AM on June 18th, I'm happy to say that I will be moving into Blairstone in exactly two weeks!!! I'm getting pumped because I'm getting a two bedroom apartment with my future fabulous roommate JStein from good ole Wisconsin. It's a cheap option because I'm getting three months free so I can't complain at all.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


So it's been a while since I've last posted a blog entry. I've been really really busy with work and life as I am getting ready to move. I don't think I've worked myself this much ever in life but I like it. It keeps me busy so I'm not just sitting around sleeping or surfing the internet. My temp job gives me an inside scoop of the normal business day of higher ed professionals because I'm a temp worker between a few different offices.

I worked at Financial Aid until this past Wednesday and that was an interesting experience. I got the behind the scenes look at the software that helps compile award packages for all the students at NC State. Lots of problems with student accounts and my job was to correct them. Plus, last week was award notification week so I got to help stuff thousands of award letters and hundreds of denied letters. All of the work there was pretty mindless but I got to meet some really nice people.

Currently, I work at the Visitor Center and Undergraduate Admissions. These two offices work closely together but are still separate. As a former University Ambassador, I used to work for Undergraduate Admissions until the Visitor Center was built and started. Admissions work is truly a blast. I love working with my supervisor and all the Assistant Directors, Associates Directors, and Director. There is never a dull moment at that office. People call with the craziest comments and questions. I have gotten used to the statement, "I have one question," which actually equates to "I have 15 questions." I actually get comfortable in my chair if I get that question because I know it will be a long conversation. Also, I dislike when people tell me their name, where they are calling from, who they are calling on behalf, and their life story. I'm only a front desk temp worker! I have no access to your records or your student's records because of FERPA.

The Visitor Center has a different work environment. All of my bosses' are down the hall from the front desk and I am in the middle of a huge Rotunda. There is typically nobody at the Visitor Center unless there is a scheduled Freshman Information Session. We do have the typical walk-ins but that is still rare. I just sit on my butt the whole time and surf the internet.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wedding Gift Registries

Now that I have graduated from college, I have my first wedding already on the calendar. One of my best friends is getting married over Labor Day weekend back in Wake Forest. This is fun and exciting for me because it'll be my first real wedding that I get to go to on my own. My first wedding was my cousin's wedding so it's not like I had a choice.

With the wedding, the bride and groom to be have already set up their gift registries at numerous places like Target, Pottery Barn, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, and Belk. Since it is their wedding, they made wise choices with their registries. When I mean wise choices, I mean the most expensive stuff that you can possibly find at the appropriate stores. They chose a nice dresser and bed frame set from Pottery Barn valued at over $2489. Granted if I was getting married, I would go crazy with the scanner that they give you and scan everything in the store. They did put a few inexpensive things on the registries for those people without full time jobs like me.

As a good friend of the bride and acquaintance of the groom, I'm thinking about getting the lettuce knife that they put on one of the registries that cost $3.49 plus tax. As a joke, I would box it up all nice and pretty and give it to them in person and make them open it and think that the knife was the only thing I got them. In reality, I'm going to get them something decent on the list as their real gift. However the sooner I do the shopping, the more choices I have on the registries. The monogrammed dinner set looked pretty cool and nice.

Welcome to Blairstone!

So even though my future boss hasn't had the best experience at Blairstone, I called just now to see if they had an update about my application with them. With little over a month left, I was getting worried that I wouldn't have a place to live when I got to Tallahassee. The person at Blairstone, Shannon, was very nice and told me that I had gotten approved. Looks like Steven, Jessica, and I have a roof over our heads!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


One of my future roomies (Jessica Stein) and I were on the phone tonight talking about our living arrangments, Tallahassee life and our grad assistantships for next year. We talked about everything and anything possible about those three areas.

For grad assistantships, Jessica will be working with advising training or something like that and I'll be working with the Student Activities Center (SAC). Now, she's already asked about dress code with her office and they told her that since she's still a student, she can wear what she normally wears. While I thought about it, I never asked my boss about it. wink wink. If you are reading this post, feel free to comment Kelly. lol. We can do a formal e-mail exchange if need be. I also was looking stuff up already and noticed that Seminole Sensation Week is Aug 19th-23rd. Now if you facebook stalk me or have access to my personnel files, you'll know that August 23th also happens to be my 22nd birthday. Between SS Week and my birthday, don't expect me at work on August 24th. I'll be sleeping in.

As for Tallahassee, I don't know where anything in town is. All I know is that Blairstone is right next door to the mall. Jessica and I will be hitting up the mall on paydays. lol. Also, we both like sushi so we're going to have to find the one sushi restaurant that is going to get our business for the next two years of our lives at least. Now, I've started talking to a guy online. He seems really nice and he's even offered to show me around town. I can't wait to hang out and get to know him better.

Finally, living arrangments. Grrr.... Can I say that Blairstone is taking forever to approve our apartment application. We submitted the paperwork over a month ago (i think). We still haven't heard anything. We are supposed to move in on or before July 3rd so I can start work on July 6th. In addition to that, we need to know some essential things like whether or not we have light fixtures or blinds. Crucial things because we don't want to live in the dark or total sun in Florida. I guess that's why they started Target and stores. Jess and I are going to be frequent Target shoppers.